David Groen
David Groen
Jewish History
Holocaust Remembrance, Jewish Resettlement
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South FL
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David Groen is an author and public speaker, with most of his work focused on the plight of Dutch Jewry during the Holocaust and the events surrounding his family. His first published book is "Jew Face: A story of love and heroism in Nazi-occupied Holland". Through the book, and David's website Holland's Heroes hollandsheroes.com, a violin that belonged to his uncle, a victim of Auschwitz, found its way back to David and his family. More details are available on bramsviolin.com, the website David created to help tell this story. He has spoken in various synagogues and institutions, most recently at Boca Raton Synagogue, Chabad Jewish Center of Coral Springs, The Jewish museum of Miami Beach, and 2 synagogues in Boynton Beach, Temple Beth Kodesh and Anshei Chesed. He is working on his second book which tells a broader history leading up to the remarkable story of the violin. David is also a Cantor for the High Holidays at Beth Tovim in Philadelphia.
Lectures include:
Bram's Violin
Tales of Dutch resistance against the Nazis
The History of Dutch Jewry
A detailed account of the settling of Jews in the Netherlands, dating back to the 13th century, the migration of Jews from Spain and Portugal, and pre World War II Holland, including Amsterdam's strong Jewish presence prior to the Nazi occupation. This will further address the time Holland was known as "Jerusalem of the West", the impact of Sephardic Judaism in Holland, and the devastation of the Holocaust which took 75% of the Jewish population. A breakdown of Jewish population per city and province, including overall demographic and influence will be part of this discussion. It will conclude with an analysis of post 1945 Holland and the rebuilding of the Jewish community to present day.
The Recovery And Resettlement of World Jewry After The Holocaust
This lecture provides a detailed look at Jewish communities in European cities most impacted by the Holocaust after 1945, and it chronicles the successes and failures of the reestablishment of these communities. In addition, we’ll discuss the impact of the migration of Jews to Israel, the United States and (to a lesser extent) England and France. We will also address the groups within the Jewish world most responsible for the growth in world Jewry’s numbers in the years since WWII ended, as well as current trends and how those trends may impact numbers and locations moving forward.
From Devastation To Celebrity: The Story Of Holocaust Survivors Who Became Famous
This lecture will discuss the men and women who emerged from the Holocaust to become well-known contributors in various segments of society. This lecture will cover a wide variety of fascinating and inspirational rises in entertainment, literature and politics. Examples include author Elie Wiesel, sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer, and famed Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal.
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