Lectures For Lifelong Learners!

Aaron Hoy

Aaron Hoy

Aaron Hoy

Family & Sexuality

Marriage, Divorce, & LBGTQ+

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Aaron Hoy, Ph.D., is an award-winning scholar and teacher with expertise on families, sexuality, and gender. He is currently an associate professor at Minnesota State University, Mankato, where he engages in research on marriage, divorce, and LGBTQ+ communities and issues. In 2018, he completed his Ph.D. at Syracuse University, where he conducted the first research study on same-sex divorce in the United States. He is the author of numerous peer-reviewed studies, and his most recent books include The Social Science of Same-Sex Marriage: LGBT People and Their Relationships in the Era of Marriage Equality (Routledge, 2022) and The Sociology of Families Reader: Issues, Perspectives, and Debates (Cognella, 2024).

Lectures include:

Families in America: Historical Perspectives, Contemporary Issues

Wither the Family? How American Families Have Changed and Why, 1950-Present

In the not-so-distant past, American families looked much more like the Leave It to Beaver stereotype than they do today, and the many ways that families have changed has been a source of unending discourse and debate across American society. In this presentation, I will present key research findings documenting just how American families have changed over time, and I will share evidence-based insights on the major forces driving such change. Delivered in an accessible and interactive manner, this presentation will give audiences a better understanding of the “big picture” of family life in the U.S. today and how we got here.

Split: What Research Tells Us About How Divorce Affects Children

Since the “Divorce Revolution” of the 1970s, Americans across the political spectrum have worried about the consequences of parental divorce for America’s children. With divorce still more common in the U.S. than nearly any other country in the world, how divorce affects children remains a pressing matter. In this presentation, I will help audiences make sense of the science of parental divorce, and I will illustrate when, how, and why children – both young children and grown – are impacted before, during, and after their parents’ divorce.

LGBTQ+ People, Communities, and Issues

LGBTQ+ 101: An Up-to-Date Primer on the Language and Politics of Sexuality and Gender

Today, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people are more out than ever before, embracing a kaleidoscope of evolving identities. This presentation will help audiences grasp more fully how sexuality and gender are changing today and what this means for individuals, families, and society. Delivered in an open, affirming, and interactive way, this presentation will give audience members a deeper understanding of the LGBTQ+ people in their lives, and it will help them discuss the issues they face in a comfortable, informed way.

Marriage Equality, Almost a Decade Later: What Research Tells Us About LGBTQ+ Marriages and Their Significance for America

On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered a verdict in Obergefell v. Hodges, legalizing same-sex marriages nationwide. With this historic decision, the Court ushered in a new era of marriage equality, and in the process fundamentally changed the institution of American marriage, making it possible for the first time in U.S. history for legally recognized marriages across the country to involve same-sex partners. In this presentation, I will break down the scientific research on same-sex marriages and highlight the many ways that same-sex couples enact and challenge the norms of marriage.

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