Lectures For Lifelong Learners!

Anthony Eichenlaub

Anthony Eichenlaub

Anthony Eichenlaub


Writing, Self-Publishing, Science Fiction

Available for in-person lectures in:
Minneapolis, Rochester

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To book Anthony, e-mail:

Anthony W. Eichenlaub once spent 21 years working for a large, multinational technology company. His focus was on the coolest core software of the internet, which started with application servers and later included cloud computing and artificial intelligence. Themes from his time in tech find their way into his writing, including questions about AI that go beyond, “Is it a person?,” and the intricate and sometimes scary ways in which corporations interact with the ethical responsibilities of their workers. In his career in tech, Anthony was always a tester, so while everyone else asked, “How does it work?” his focus was on, “How does it break?”

Anthony’s stories have appeared in Daily Science Fiction, On-Spec Magazine, Little Blue Marble, and numerous anthologies including A Punk Rock Future and The Community of Magic Pens. His novels range from Minnesota technothrillers to space operas to cyberpunk Westerns. His writing philosophy is that even the most serious science fiction should be absurdly fun. Anthony teaches writing in his local community and is a teaching artist at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis. He is a proud member of the Rochester Writers Group and a member and volunteer of SFWA.

In 2020, Anthony left his career in tech to pursue writing and the far more satisfying life of a stay-at-home dad. In his spare time, Anthony enjoys landscaping, woodworking, and long walks with his lazy dog.

Lectures include:


Pen to Paper: How to Start Writing

You have a story. Whether it’s a memoir for your family or an epic fantasy for the masses, there’s a story in you that’s begging to be told. Join author Anthony W. Eichenlaub and learn how to plan your project so that when pen hits paper, your story can come alive. We’ll talk about the parts of a story and how to structure your tale for the best chance at success. We’ll talk about when not to follow that plan so that you can grab creativity by the horns and ride it out. Most importantly, we’ll talk about getting motivated and staying motivated for the writing project ahead.

The Modern World of Self-Publishing

Self-publishing has come a long way in recent decades. Gone is its reputation as a vanity press. Gone is the need to store thousands of books from a print run that might never sell. Between print-on-demand publishing and e-books, self-publishing has become a great way to tell your story, whether it’s a memoir you want to hand to your loved ones or a steamy romance you’d like to tell to the world. In this presentation, science fiction author Anthony W. Eichenlaub will discuss whether self-publishing is right for the story you want to tell, take you on your first steps toward self-publishing, and talk about the best ways to get your book into the hands of readers.

Sci-fi and Fantasy Novels: Yesterday and Today

Genre is a conversation. The stories of today not only don’t exist without what came before, but they’re often written as responses to the stories we love. This is great news! It means that if you loved Ursula K. LeGuin’s explorations on feminism and gender, there are whole shelves of modern books written with her in mind. The conversation Octavia Butler started on climate change is still happening in modern bookstores today. Robert Heinlein’s take on military science fiction is being explored from a hundred different angles. The Golden Age wasn’t the start of the conversation we call the science fiction and fantasy genres, but it’s not the end of it, either. Join author Anthony W. Eichenlaub as we explore the science fiction and fantasy classics of yesterday and today.

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