Lectures For Lifelong Learners!

Sophia Stone

Sophia Stone

Sophia Stone


Ancient Greek Philosophy, Philosophy of Humor, Children’s Philosophy, and Public Philosophy

Available for in-person lectures in:
South FL

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Dr. Sophia Stone is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Lynn University where she teaches the Dialogues Belief and Reason Core Curriculum. She is also the founder of Wisdom's Edge Foundation, a non-profit organization that offers free philosophy classes to communities at the margins of society: Children, the recently housed, and women in re-entry programs. Her research areas are Ancient Greek Philosophy, Philosophy of Humor, Philosophy for Children, and Public Philosophy.

Lectures include:

Improving Critical Thinking with Dr. J's Good Thinker's Toolkit

Do you wish to sharpen your critical thinking skills? Would you like to learn tools for thinking better and more clearly on difficult topics such as politics, religion and family disputes? Come hear Dr. Stone explain Dr. Thomas Jackson’s Good Thinker’s Toolkit and how to apply these tools in any context.

Socratic irony and relajo in Plato's Symposium

The Mexican philosopher Jorge Portilla argues that the best remedy for an apretado (one who takes himself too seriously) and for the relajiento (one who takes nothing seriously) is Socratic irony. Portilla gives an exemplary example of how Socratic irony works on the apretado in Plato’s Euthyphro, but Portilla offers no example for the relajiento. Could there be such an example in Plato’s dialogues? Dr. Stone offers two possible examples from Plato’s Symposium in the characters Alcibiades and Aristophanes. She leaves it up to the audience to figure out which character, if any, best represents Socratic irony, exposing the relajiento.

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